That was fast: So Bernie Sanders is for open borders, but only with one country: Mexico … P.S.: OK, Canada too. Easy to overlook! Still. Was it only Thursday that Sanders was worrying that mass immigration would “substantially lower wages in this country”? Do unskilled Mexicans have some magical properties that suspend supply and demand that unskilled immigrants from other countries lack? …
RT @kausmickey: Do unskilled Mexicans have some magical property, vs. other unskilled workers, that suspends law of supply & demand? http:/…
RT @kausmickey: THAT WAS FAST: 10 minutes with @jorgeramos news and @SenSanders caves, lets in all of Mexico? Wages, schmages!…
RT @ByronYork: From @kausmickey: Looks like Bernie Sanders has changed his mind about open borders.
Bring in an underclass of unskillful labor. 70% get government assistance.
Posts like this brgtihen up my day. Thanks for taking the time.
For the elders this is often awfully worrying and a disconcerting job. Either of the elders shouldn't challenge each other’s statements, this could cause a large amount of distrust in the kid and can make the kid opponent toward the parent who is tougher than the other.
Risquons nous à globaliser : l’image de tout étranger se dégrade. Avec pour la Chine une contingence supplémentaire : ce n’est pas seulement un autre pays lointain et encore mystérieux, c’est aussi historiquement à la base une autre civilisation bien différente de la nôtre par de nombreux points. L’une de celles qui découpait les missionnaires en rondelles avant de les faire cuire pour mieux les déguster.ça ne pardonnait pas. ça ne pardonne toujours pas.