¡Jeb!: Trump’s border wall “can’t be built.” Optimistic, can’t do message! Hard to believe that polls well. washex.am/1hN8NTA
¡Jeb!: Trump’s border wall “can’t be built.” Optimistic, can’t do message! Hard to believe that polls well. washex.am/1hN8NTA
@kausmickey They haven’t gotten the message in some places: http://t.co/BnDwYkG9YD and http://t.co/V1wCk86oKQ
Let’s ask ¡Jeb! if we should build a Border Wall. http://t.co/D6zrUEsdW4
@kausmickey Y’all wall supporters do realize that the vast majority of illegal immigration is not done by stealing the border, right?
@kausmickey Illegals register, get background check, pay fine/taxes, learn English easy; putting them on a plane or build a wall impossible!
@JohnRiversToo @kausmickey Jubio! also agrees. He cares more about what happens in Cuba than at the border.
.@IgnatiusGReilly @kausmickey
Heh. ¡Jubio!, that’s new.
Yeah, Rubio … annoys me. He’s slicker than Jeb.
I have no idea what he believes.
@kausmickey If you build it, they won’t come
.@IgnatiusGReilly @kausmickey
Rubio’s transition from Tea Party fringe to Establishment Prog-lite was so fast.
Jeff Flake fast.
@JohnRiversToo @kausmickey amazes me that “cons” pundits call Cruz a Trump’s lackey, and never ask what Jubio and Jeb disagree on.
@kausmickey Very poor messaging, US likes can do spirit, man on moon but can’t build a wall? China built a 10,000K wall 2000+ yrs ago
@kausmickey #inspiringslogans “we’ll never reach the moon” “man will never fly” “blitzkrieg can’t be stopped”