Not crazy to note that CEO Carly’s big dud merger was classic empire-building move. Helped Carly. HP not so much vox.com/2015/9/17/9346…
Not crazy to note that CEO Carly’s big dud merger was classic empire-building move. Helped Carly. HP not so much vox.com/2015/9/17/9346…
@kausmickey how is it empire building to help self by hurting company?
@kausmickey Trump should appoint you SoCal Czar….go ahead, Mickey, seal that border!
@kausmickey Steve Jobs was happy she kept making printers for Apple desktops while he created the smartphone
@kausmickey The day Carly was fired, a trade magazine said HP workers skipped in the halls singing ‘Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead.’
@kausmickey Choosing between Carly or Trump & politicians who’ve never faced consequences of bad decisions, I’ll take the former.
@kausmickey If you want to see what she looks like in real time, read Tom Perkins autobio on Amazon, 1st 6 pages Free re. Compaq. Impressive
@kausmickey HP profits in 2005 were $2.4 B, $1B less than when Fiorina started. That is a key reason she was fired
@kausmickey Long view kinder to Fiorina. ie VISION. Tom Perkins reconsidered, Intel CEO praised in 2010. HP family,WallSt unhappy short term
@kausmickey She had a skittish thoroughbred HP, traded half to hitch it to a broken-down plow horse, Compaq. Biz Q always arguable tho.
@kausmickey Her time at HP is a liability, not an asset. HP still recovering from ill-conceived merger 15 yrs ago
@kausmickey He ‘compared Mrs. Fiorina to the captain who caused the shipwreck of Carnival’s Costa Concordia in 2012’
@kausmickey Important contrast with Trump who has humbly disavowed ambitions for empire.
@kausmickey Had a minor role in HP-Compaq merger. Saw some vicious anti-Carly letters fm HP geniuses, proving smart is NOT always classy.
@kausmickey @slone woman @ Trump speech yesterday that Lucent(?) Carly worked for had “Funny” books when she left & lost 250thou of retire.