Rubio seized the moment. Unfortunately, it was only a moment and then everyone remembered he was front man for the monstrous Gang of 8 bill.
Rubio seized the moment. Unfortunately, it was only a moment and then everyone remembered he was front man for the monstrous Gang of 8 bill.
@kausmickey isn’t someone who came grovelling back to the fold after failed betrayal the least likely to stray again?
@kausmickey You and Ann Coulter are quite obsessed with Rubio~
@kausmickey Establishment crooks will find out the hard way, when all FITN states wd’ve voted& their wonderboy Rubio didnt win a single one
@kausmickey Apparently,the Republican Establishment has a long history https://t.co/HEwHuetPYa I can’t believe JimJordan et.al. voted 4 Ryan
@kausmickey please block me. Thanks.
@kausmickey which never became law. Speaking of monstrous, health insurance premiums r up up up up since ACA became law. Yet crickets from u
@kausmickey Similar to what happened to Carly? Seized the moment, invited close inspection and faded right back to previous numbers
@kausmickey You say Marco, I say Amnesty is dead to me. Unless it’s him vs HRC. Then he’s just “mostly dead”. #itdtakeamiracle
@kausmickey @jenilynn1001 I truly think JEB! attacked him to establish some ‘anti-GOPe’ credentials. His H1b visa support gives him away!
@kausmickey Yelp, secret amnesty man. @JUDAHsCHILDREN
@richardrushfield @kausmickey H1b visa support prves he has the same agenda, just said proper political statements to fool dumb voters
what Rubio’s IMMIGRATION BILL did TO you
.@kausmickey think @marcorubio could ‘finesse’ way out of #GangOfEight by the growing body count particularly #KathrynSteinle
@kausmickey Let’s fixate on that forever so we can lose the election. #PurityTest