>>>b) he has opponents, who should be able to cram the Gang of 8 bill, and his deceptions, down his throat in debate twitter.com/RameshPonnuru/…
>>>b) he has opponents, who should be able to cram the Gang of 8 bill, and his deceptions, down his throat in debate twitter.com/RameshPonnuru/…
@kausmickey The way Romney’s opponents crammed Romneycare …?
@kausmickey all of whom backed Gang of 8-style reform at some point in their careers. As piece points out, makes it a challenge
@DouthatNYT @kausmickey To be fair, that race had very different debate dynamics.
@DouthatNYT @kausmickey Getting rolled by Chuck Schumer on a mass amnesty is not in same ballpark as an individual mandate in Massachusetts.
@baseballcrank @DouthatNYT @kausmickey His line is he was wrong , so he won’t argue. Can rivals win an argument if he doesn’t counter?
@kausmickey Marco is a good person.
@kausmickey @RameshPonnuru I say again, some on the right have lost their minds over immigration! In sane world Rubio would be front-runner