Why are we sure it’s “lib media” trying to take down Carson & Rubio and not, you know, their GOP opponents’? twitter.com/marklevinshow/…
Why are we sure it’s “lib media” trying to take down Carson & Rubio and not, you know, their GOP opponents’? twitter.com/marklevinshow/…
@kausmickey – Seriously?
@kausmickey Why must it be either/or?
@kausmickey Cui bono?
@kausmickey @marklevinshow Rubio is the establishment candidate. It’s the left that wants him out. Carson is the outsider. Est GOP attacking
@kausmickey BUUUUSSSSHHHHHHH!!!!! Trump would NEVER leak to Politico. LOL
@kausmickey @CharlesMunn1 Big Money GOP will not allow either to win the nomination, it will be one of their bought candidates
@kausmickey @CharlesMunn1 @marklevinshow Wait! Did @WSJ turn?
@oldgoatsmell And it ok with you to just sit back and watch it happen? @kausmickey
@kausmickey it’s lib media who’s trying to take them down along with trump supporters.