Let’s see if the “Marco moment” you’re plugging actually turns up in the polls. He could be the New Carly. twitter.com/costareports/s…
Let’s see if the “Marco moment” you’re plugging actually turns up in the polls. He could be the New Carly. twitter.com/costareports/s…
@kausmickey Keep fantasizing, Mic.
@kausmickey Among the conservatives I know, Rubio is less trustworthy than a used car salesman. Gang of Eight was a suicide play for him.
@kausmickey @costareports hey horn
@kausmickey but you will *still* vote for the democrat.
@kausmickey It’s amazing the twisted view of reality #RINO s have. The Conservative base will never go 4 Rubio. They can see he’s pro-Amnsty
@kausmickey @costareports @PhilipRucker Rubio gives me that same “he’s full of shit” feeling that Obama always has.
@kausmickey @Ricky_Vaughn99 @costareports @PhilipRucker No One Will Ever Trust Him !@realDonaldTrump @newtgingrich https://t.co/TzYzkTevpD