If you watch video, Trump’s not paying attention, NBC reporter brings up database, Trump just rehashing spiel twitter.com/AnnCoulter/sta…
If you watch video, Trump’s not paying attention, NBC reporter brings up database, Trump just rehashing spiel twitter.com/AnnCoulter/sta…
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter reminds of when Stephanopolous hit Romney with banning birth control out of nowhere
@kausmickey Also, I think he understood the Q to be re Muslims coming INTO U.S. i.e., imm related Q. https://t.co/tFOnvulFTr
@kausmickey How to account for his answer here, though? Very clearly had a chance to reject the notion. Didn’t. https://t.co/2kILjIllrk
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter Famous MSM trick
@kausmickey they believe in their ideology so much they have to spin and out-right lie. Speaks for itself.
@kausmickey CORRECT
@kausmickey How much does US spend tracking Muslims now? Yuge amount. Much of internal security spending.
@kausmickey It’s true. Trump was on auto-pilot and not responding specifically to the reporter.
@kausmickey @anncoulter Trump said “beyond databases.” I guess it will be “the best database ever.” Worth a star, so to speak!
@kausmickey Agree. Waiting for him to spell out on his own what he thinks about that.
@kausmickey Even so, we need a biometric national ID to replace our cardboard Social Security cards.
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter No, he answers specific question and expands on the idea.
@kausmickey I think he misheard the question. It’s a short hop from “tracking Muslims in the U.S.” to “tracking Muslims entering the U.S.”
@kausmickey Mishearing question would explain why he pivots to talking about a wall, then answers follow-ups as though asked about a wall.
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter @realDonaldTrump ICYMI People should not forget that the log books at Ellis Island are a database!
@kausmickey @ForTrump2016
Forgive them for they know not that his supporters will love him even more. And this could bring more supporters.
@kausmickey listen to sound quality of reporter voice, clearly shows from audio he speaks into own mic 4 Audience to hear not 4Trump to hear
@kausmickey also listen to background sound levels in room music in room LOUD & people talking NBC reporter played intentional tricks asking
@kausmickey last but not least, Hunter from yahoo news who brought up subject in the 1st place is FRIENDS with Seth Rogen a trump hater.