Destroying public housing in Chicago forced kids out of poor neighborhoods–had measurable positive effect equitablegrowth.org/must-read-eric…
Destroying public housing in Chicago forced kids out of poor neighborhoods–had measurable positive effect equitablegrowth.org/must-read-eric…
@kausmickey @delong Would demolishing bad schools have the same effect if people were given education vouchers
@kausmickey @delong Oops blocked by Mr De Long, wonder what transgression brought this on,only exchange https://t.co/qZp7X2xtOj
Honest question: Didn’t it cause “Ferguson” situations? White flight from near suburbs where housing vouchers were spent and over time things went to pot again?
Not only Ferguson situations but near destruction of black middle-class enclaves i.e. Chatham, South Shore Calumet Heights, parts of now-“Wild” 100s.
@kausmickey Also created HUGE problems for Chicago burbs and collar counties. Emmanuel has yet to be called on racist dumping policy.