Good Ace ace.mu.nu/archives/36070… but if Trump didn’t insult elites but was same on immig,, would @brithume & MeganKelly back him? I think no
Good Ace ace.mu.nu/archives/36070… but if Trump didn’t insult elites but was same on immig,, would @brithume & MeganKelly back him? I think no
@kausmickey It may be all about immigration with you Mickey, but not me. Trade, eminent domain, Putin, character, experience all also count.
@kausmickey @brithume “Insult elites”? He insults everyone. He’s a walking freaking offense. Not to mention a liberal.
@brithume @kausmickey and Mr Hume speaks for scores of people nationwide.
@kausmickey w/ all due respect, @brithume, you’re out-of-touch what immigration is costing this nation to the point those issues are 2ndary
@kausmickey @instapundit @brithume If Trump was prolife there are more folks who would also vote for him no matter what. But he’s not.
@kausmickey The real question I’d like 2 hear @brithume (someone I admire immensely) answer is would he vote for Trump if its him or Hillary
@DrunkenPromises @kausmickey @brithume I’m Trump but WILL vote Repub. We can’t survive 3 term Obama. Immigration/terrorism primary concern.
@trogdor8768 @kausmickey @brithume AMEN!!!
@trogdor8768 @kausmickey @brithume Heh, Donald Trump is closer to a leftist-populist ideal than Mickey Kaus now is.
@brithume @irishspy @kausmickey Putin is less of a threat to Americans than a gov’t that imports disease & murderers into our neighborhoods
@kausmickey @brithume If Trump didn’t insult ANYONE he might be regarded as an adult. Like these two. https://t.co/j4AEHqA4k6
@brithume @Patterico @kausmickey oh, so rubio has the experience?
@brithume @kausmickey Putin has no money for his citizens but all the money to Bomb syria.
@kausmickey @brithume Your article mentions “class” of which he has none,and for”stones”they are non existent also!
@brithume @kausmickey You support Keystone pipeline which would require eminent domain. Free trade has been a disaster and Putin’s great
@brithume @kausmickey If you’re not obsessed with immigration then you eventually lose on everything when the country has L.A. demographics
@brithume @clantro @kausmickey That’s because Mickey is a true and blue nativist
Megyn “middle class code of conduct” – did he not see photos of her pushing her breasts together and out?
@brithume @kausmickey Foreign army “immigrates” itself onto an American Beach, Brit says trade & imminent domain are more pressing issues.
@brithume @kausmickey China is killing us on trade, Putin has more character than U.S. RINOs, and imminent domain is not always good or bad.