Hard 2 see Hillary talked into dropping women’s card. But Trump has this scandal to threaten observer.com/2015/03/the-je… twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
Hard 2 see Hillary talked into dropping women’s card. But Trump has this scandal to threaten observer.com/2015/03/the-je… twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
@kausmickey @Women4Trump I call the cigar-trick in the Oval Office and HRC attacking Bill’s victims the scandal that tops the charts!
@kausmickey @observer @realDonaldTrump she blatantly hide her husbands sexism
@kausmickey @observer @realDonaldTrump It really looks like he types those tweets out himself, doesn’t it (“women abuse”, “women’s card”).
@kausmickey @observer I know the (((MSM))) will never mention (((Epstein))), but it needs to find a way to gain more attention.
@kausmickey @observer More ammo for your crusade @KatTimpf
@kausmickey And Mickey to keep it alive! Remember ’08!