At least @robertwrighter didn’t hinge his entire “islamophobia” arguent on the Houston mosque attack. Oh wait … bloggingheads.tv/videos/38173
At least @robertwrighter didn’t hinge his entire “islamophobia” arguent on the Houston mosque attack. Oh wait … bloggingheads.tv/videos/38173
@kausmickey @robertwrighter Can no longer handle that constantly arch, shrill tone he takes in the diavlogs with you.
@kausmickey Doesn’t matter, @robertwrighter will remain more concerned with ‘backlash’ whether it exists or not because poor victim Muslims.
@kausmickey @robertwrighter more like islamohoaxia.
@kausmickey @robertwrighter when was diavlog taken, mickey?
@kausmickey @robertwrighter https://t.co/mRdxNh9Md8
@kausmickey feel free to retweet my earlier reply to this, unless you think your followers would prefer not to see the actual data.
.@johnmarzan @kausmickey @robertwrighter Autoislamophobia?
@robertwrighter @kausmickey In recent years <15% of religious bias crimes targeted Muslims, >60% targeted Jews. 1/2
@robertwrighter @kausmickey Even if anti-Muslim hate crimes have tripled recently, they’re still fewer than anti-Jewish hate crimes. 2/2
@robertwrighter @kausmickey When was the last time you spoke out against Jew hatred?
@kausmickey @robertwrighter Even if hate crimes against Muslims have tripled, they’re still fewer than those against Jews.
@RonnieSchreiber @kausmickey @robertwrighter Right. Also term ‘hate crime’ too vague, conflates graffiti, property damage with murder.
@RonnieSchreiber @robertwrighter @kausmickey Unbiased source please?