“[E]ncouraging candidates to support comprehensive immigration reform, a massive error in political judgment.” bostonglobe.com/opinion/2015/1…
“[E]ncouraging candidates to support comprehensive immigration reform, a massive error in political judgment.” bostonglobe.com/opinion/2015/1…
@kausmickey “was” a massive error. If they think they are getting us back they’re delusional
@kausmickey complete bullshit. Something a Romney advisor would write
@kausmickey @BostonGlobe The poor GOP boys. Obey their CoC masters or lose their entire base. What to do?
@kausmickey @mfg5ues https://t.co/n7RgguWqbk
And Bush was a massive error in political judgment, too. Washington Post has a long retrospective of 2015 up today and they to a lot of people without getting to the bad judgment about Jeb Bush and a 3rd Bush to boot but mostly its Jeb himself. His diffident manner didn’t come off as modesty but that the fix was in already.
“Why would I want these people from Central America?” We’re not allowed to say it but we think it. I had to move my 85 year old mother out of the apartment she’d lived in for years a mile from me because that little garden apartment complex went from old people to Latino in the space of 3 years and the men would hang outside her ground floor windows drinking and playing loud music. Now I worry about the coming home invasions as the many, many kids in those apartments become teenagers. Like they say, “He had me at ‘Build the wall.'”