At least there are no Chelsea scandals … //”Chelsea Clinton follows in dad’s footsteps to stump for Hillary” dailym.ai/1SCXXOf
At least there are no Chelsea scandals … //”Chelsea Clinton follows in dad’s footsteps to stump for Hillary” dailym.ai/1SCXXOf
@kausmickey *gaaasp* You just spoke the magic words.
@kausmickey You mean Webb Hubbells daughter?
@kausmickey Imagine of they’d had a son…
@kausmickey Other than she got a sweetheart deal with NBC and lives off the Clinton Foundation whose funding sources are suspect.
@MarkSKrikorian @kausmickey If Bill had a son, he’d look like Juanita Broaddrick
@kausmickey you can’t hold the children for the sins of their parents.
@kausmickey Scandal is she never got an an award for her reporting on Brian Williams Rock Center news magazine show. They paid her $600K
@kausmickey Except that Chelsea is Webster Hubbell’s daughter.
@alorasdad @kausmickey Oops, I repeated your tweet before I saw your post. Great mind’s think alike, lol.
$600,000/yr to interview Geico gekko should be a scandal. Her father is a sex pig; she’s another kind of pig.
@kausmickey She is married to a hedge fund manager. The ultimate liberal scandal.
@kausmickey false. Her real father isn’t bill Clinton according to @RogerJStoneJr
@kausmickey @instapundit Chelsea’s dad is Webster Hubbell
@kausmickey @instapundit
Depends what you mean by scandal. “I can’t make myself care about money” ≠ $10 million NYC apartment.
@kausmickey @instapundit interesting paradox: if a Clinton were to misbehave and no media covers it, is it still wrong?
@kausmickey @instapundit Yeah. She totes earned that $600k from NBC.
@kausmickey @instapundit Early days.
@AlanCralan @kausmickey No,she opened herself up to whatever comes her way by working for Foundation.If she were doing anything else,fine.
@kausmickey @instapundit She does however hang with girls 40 years younger than her dad LIKE her dad
@kausmickey Unless you call getting paid $600K by network 4 doing nothing isn’t scandal. Just call her Senator.
@kausmickey @instapundit Be patient.
@kausmickey @instapundit yet
@kausmickey @instapundit she’s the daughter of two criminals married to the son of two criminals. Just a matter of time.