Is problem (for GOP) that Trump can win most easily by turning out low-income whites who won’t help GOPs downballot? wpo.st/y8K21
Is problem (for GOP) that Trump can win most easily by turning out low-income whites who won’t help GOPs downballot? wpo.st/y8K21
@kausmickey @pbump If you combine the low-income, less educated whites with the condescending, pompous a-holes that’s a good thing.
@kausmickey @washingtonpost Its a more basic question of power I think.
@kausmickey @washingtonpost GOP? The Whigs you say. Swept to the dust bin of history. The cathedral is in ruins.
@kausmickey Blue collar workers will turn out and vote for Trump. Just bc they don’t have college degrees doesnt mean they are not smart.
@kausmickey @pbump he’s building a way bigger coalition than low income whites….
@kausmickey But will turn out for Trumpocrats in 2018?
@kausmickey @pbump they could help GOP down-ballot if it had real conservatives on ballots. it’s incumbents aren’t.
@kausmickey @washingtonpost Ignorant. Your greater premise is off or false.
@kausmickey Trump is a threat to “populize” the party away from donor friendly post-Reagan libertarian market orthodoxy (trade, taxes, imm)