“Bush is so tangled up in strings, he can hardly move his little puppet arms.” Good line. Applies to Rubio as well thehill.com/blogs/pundits-…
“Bush is so tangled up in strings, he can hardly move his little puppet arms.” Good line. Applies to Rubio as well thehill.com/blogs/pundits-…
@kausmickey @FizzyKell #bushcrimefamily
@kausmickey Bush doing so badly that his Clintonesque [Bushesque] mad dash for cash since leaving Fla Gov isn’t even an issue
@kausmickey Rubio – if he’s ever done anything not for the benefit of Rubio career #1, keeps it well hidden. principal $ not principle.
@kausmickey Thanks! And it sure does apply to Rubio too.