34 Frank Luntz Plays Favorites With Marco Rubio njour.nl/s/617171?oref=… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey That’s because Luntz is up Rubio’s Cuban Ass!!!!! And the $$$ Rubio throws at him helps as well!
@kausmickey There’s a word for people like him but since Twitter is a family-friendly environment, I shall desist.
@kausmickey @nationaljournal FNC is GOPe. MSM and political process are an unchecked mess. Ethics left the building ages ago. #Trump2016
@kausmickey @KdredKarl @FoxNews needs to dump @FrankLuntz
@kausmickey Anyone believe the most powerful name in news didn’t know about this?
@kausmickey @nationaljournal Duh?
@kausmickey @nationaljournal I’m sure he’d do the same for anyone else who gave him a million dollars.
@kausmickey Nothing is certain except death, taxes, and Luntz focus groups declaring Rubio the debate winner.
@kausmickey @BarbaraChartie1
@kausmickey Earlier debates seemed to be the same – Rubio wins. Focus Groups are like Grand Juries – You can lead em anywhere.
@kausmickey Rubio – Luntz: Two peas in the manipulator pod.
@kausmickey Just like rest of Fox News. Gott have that amnesty. This is why fox leaves its customer base. And then calls us stupid. No thank