Cruz $$ Man in “investor visa” business. That’s in pretty deep. Another reason 2 suspect Cruz won’t control immig. dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/…
Cruz $$ Man in “investor visa” business. That’s in pretty deep. Another reason 2 suspect Cruz won’t control immig. dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/…
@kausmickey Isn’t he just a businessman “doing what he has to do” like Trump?
@kausmickey Says on his site he will basically raise imm. rates: “Halt any increases … as unemployment … unacceptably high”. U-3 is a joke
@kausmickey Interesting, next look into who Trump hires, where his clothing is made, and how he prefers Rich Muslims.
@kausmickey You should check yourself into a facility if you believe that Trump will be more reliably conservative than Cruz.
@kausmickey If you want to slam Cruz, be my guest.
But how do “investor visas” threaten working-class wages?
@kausmickey @donsurber
You crackpots are hilarious. Cruz has opposed illegal immigration since at least 2011. See also: NUMBERS USA