Would a PAC ever say “Nothing we can do here. Best to not give us money because it will be wasted”? twitter.com/politico2016/s…
Would a PAC ever say “Nothing we can do here. Best to not give us money because it will be wasted”? twitter.com/politico2016/s…
@kausmickey @politico2016 So is Karl pro Trump or not?
@kausmickey Karl Rove will fall in line because it is in his economic interest to do so.
@kausmickey never but incredible that the dopes handing over millions in cycle after cycle can’t figure it out
@kausmickey “…kinda like the last $200,000,000.”
@kausmickey and next job after directing whom voters choose, is APPEARING that they’ve helped direct voters. they gotta get on winning side
@KalebSands @kausmickey @politico2016
Karl is pro-Rove, nothing else. Not even pro-America.
@kausmickey @politico2016 does he do fundraising pitches with his small whiteboard? 2000/2004 elections are long gone, & so should he.