.#NeverTrump becomes #MaybeTrump 4 NY legslator. She worries Kasich “soft on illegal immig” but backed Rubio? Hello? on.wsj.com/1p4lGLB
.#NeverTrump becomes #MaybeTrump 4 NY legslator. She worries Kasich “soft on illegal immig” but backed Rubio? Hello? on.wsj.com/1p4lGLB
@kausmickey @WSJ
Hahahaha, how uninformed can these people be?
And they’re OUR reps!?
@kausmickey I thought he was ok, until I heard his policy on immigration. Complete and total amnesty, in his first 100 days in office? LOL
https://t.co/DSbR2TWlms …
#NYPrimary #CAprimary https://t.co/vj4P5trgBh @kausmickey
@kausmickey @bethreinhard Wow, she lives in a bubble. Shockingly poorly informed.
@kausmickey They vote with their vajayjays’
@kausmickey It’s why I can’t buy hypothetical gen election polls yet. If had to bet my house on the election I would roll my dice w/Trump.
@kausmickey Trump would be the most DISRUPTIVE general election candidate we’ve ever seen… against the most robotic Dem we’ve ever seen.
“She worries Kasich ‘soft on illegal immig’ but baked Rubio?”
And now she’s thinking about supporting Trump, who wants to deport them all and then bring all the “good ones” back?
Maybe this says something about the intelligence of Trump supporters.