Readers: Do you want Trump to have a press conference? I don’t want Trump to have a press conference. a) Busy b) Fr… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
Readers: Do you want Trump to have a press conference? I don’t want Trump to have a press conference. a) Busy b) Fr… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
@kausmickey @jaketapper I’d like for him to come out and beat up on the #FakeNews stooges from time to time.
@kausmickey I think answering tough questions is good for leaders and the public.
@kausmickey i do. it’s good to see people explain themselves on their feet. gives you a guy feeling for what theyre all about.
@kausmickey @jaketapper Well, they were awfully easy on President Obama…wouldn’t they be just as easy on Trump?
@kausmickey @jaketapper He should continue the way he has, Kellyanne is doing a fine job. Leave it alone!
@kausmickey I do. He tweets a lot of chaff, and it would be nice to nail him down on things. I suspect he has no desire for that right now.
@kausmickey #DT/#Bannon/@KellyannePolls developing new ways to reach folks (#SM/#VideoMessages/#ThankYouRallies) making #MSM less relevant.
@kausmickey @jaketapper No press conferences. Trump can talk to us directly without the oracles of Delphi; they’re buggywhips now
@kausmickey they can be amusing, but not important right now.