Discussed in this week's Bloggingheads. Maybe in the ultra-exclusive ParrotRoom! (I forget.) https://t.co/Ea7k3u8f42
— Mickey Kaus (@kausmickey) September 12, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/kausmickey
Discussed in this week's Bloggingheads. Maybe in the ultra-exclusive ParrotRoom! (I forget.) https://t.co/Ea7k3u8f42
— Mickey Kaus (@kausmickey) September 12, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/kausmickey
Concerning your latest bogginheads appearance. You discussed Trumps not taking the corona virus seriously as of his interview with Bob Woodward in February. I googled the date when Trump imposed the ban on travel from China. The date was January 31st. Your lack of mentioning this fact can either be slovenly reporting or to a desire to continuing the narative of a Trump coronavirus failure for all your friends to see. A lie through admission of information is the most sleazy kind of lie.