Twitter is killing blogging. My solution: Assimilate into the blog! An idea so crazy it might be crazy. Your call … kausfiles.com
Twitter is killing blogging. My solution: Assimilate into the blog! An idea so crazy it might be crazy. Your call … kausfiles.com
@kausmickey Problem for blogs is the best, most active commenters on blogs are moving to twitter.
@kausmickey Twitter should share revenue with popular tweeters like youtube does for popular youtubers.
@kausmickey thanks I was going to offer you a place @ubookman, since Ive loved your work since @bloggingheads but it looks like you’re fine!
@kausmickey That’s brilliant! I have been thinking the same thing. Are you using a plugin for that? @kinnon
@kausmickey @mathewi Blogging is starting to feel old school. If you have something useful to say, just call yourself a journalist.
Nice to see you at a familiar web address.
Kaus, you were the best on Slate.com. Do you remember my support for JFK in 2004. Well, it is now HRC in 2016 – no one can stop the Clintons. No one. No. One. The take-back-the-White-House campaign has already ended. Voters have voted. The election and oath are just formality.
@kausmickey Always glad to see the “logo” I “designed” 14 years ago make a comeback
Nah, Twitter is fine but it does something quite different to blogging, it is a very different beast. And blogs were never about the comments or commenters.
@kausmickey like Uber but for neo-liberal punditry!
@kausmickey Blitter? Twog? Sometimes you need more space so just tweet a link to your er…site. Still valid method, just avoid the b-word.
@kausmickey i already follow u on twitter. does your blog/rss feed need to be like twitter?
@kausmickey nah. twitter is killing cut-and-paste blogs. twitter is actually saving online newspapers by linking only snippets of articles
@kausmickey interesting, i’ll have to read the article. Keep up the predetermined work.