Juvenile for @NYT to say 68% in NH “reject” Trump or are “immune to his charms” just because he’s polling at 32% 1/3 nyti.ms/1UfXe45
Juvenile for @NYT to say 68% in NH “reject” Trump or are “immune to his charms” just because he’s polling at 32% 1/3 nyti.ms/1UfXe45
@kausmickey @NYT @nytimes
U call it charms good one
Try again
@kausmickey @NYT Anti-Trump agit-prop hasn’t worked for 8 months but this time fer sure Rocky!
@kausmickey @NYT especially given the number of candidates running
@kausmickey @NYT funny they run same story art HC
@kausmickey @NYT Are you a single issue, immigration ?
@kausmickey @NYT This theme also self-servingly touted by some on the right. Willful ignorance of numbers makes one look, well, ignorant
@kausmickey @NYT @nytimes I’ve been more surprised by those supporting him in NH…young women, millenials, etc. #VoteTrump