Rubio has leverage 2 get VP slot if he drops out? Seems fantasy. Why wld Cruz want Mr. Amnesty any more than voters? wpo.st/skPK1
Rubio has leverage 2 get VP slot if he drops out? Seems fantasy. Why wld Cruz want Mr. Amnesty any more than voters? wpo.st/skPK1
@kausmickey if rubio gets very lucky he may get an asst manager job at buffalo wild wings
@kausmickey Cruz is already in Florida to knock out Rubio. Rubio has no leverage to negotiate dropping out.
@kausmickey @washingtonpost If he’d quit back before Nevada, maybe. He’s far too exposed now… destroyed his VP prospects.
@kausmickey @JRubinBlogger Precisely. Also, we’re not gonna vote for *two* inexperienced southern Latinos. Balance the ticket: #CruzKasich
@kausmickey @JRubinBlogger and that would be only if Cruz won, which he can’t. Not a general election.
@kausmickey Cruz buys the full-hearted support of the upper middle class contingent. Not a bad get as their tantrum is giving us Trump.
@kausmickey Why would anyone want establishment’s guy as the person to take over if, god forbid, some unfortunate accident should happen?
@kausmickey lots of Republicans like Rubio esp. in anti Cruz crowd and Rubio’s appeal is in attracting nonwhites & suburbans to GOP.
@kausmickey @JRubinBlogger Little @marcorubio has as much chance of being chosen VP as I do.
@kausmickey I say this with all due respect, but @JRubinBlogger’s timeline right now is hilariously out of touch.
@kausmickey @Bev_Graham @JRubinBlogger Rubio brings attractive charisma, decent support, fairly good conservative cred.
@kausmickey @washingtonpost The part where Hillary inevitably bests Trump is also a little dubious.
@kausmickey @JRubinBlogger #LyingCruz will never become the nominee so he will never have a chance to offer anything to Little Marco.
@kausmickey @JRubinBlogger because Cruz can’t win only getting conservative votes.
@kausmickey Marco is beginning to look like a little Hitler He has visions of grandeur. Believes he is winning
@kausmickey he’s better off becoming trump’s VP
Kasich seems like a better running-mate for Cruz. Better Geographical, Ideological and Experience Balance.
@kausmickey @JRubinBlogger Don’t listen to liberal media. Trump will be our next President. We want to fundamentally change this country